While in a list view mode, you can select files and perform various operations on the selection range (e.g. Copy To Location or Create Previews). Double-clicking a file in a list view mode will open that file in a new window, or, if multiple files are selected, build a sub list of files opened in a new window.
Whenever a group of files are displayed in a view requiring previews or icons(i.e. you switched to that view mode or are scrolling within the view mode), and some files don't have previews or icons, you will be asked whether you would like to create them, if the preferences haven't been set to do so already.
Creating previews and icons can be time consuming, further, previews and icons are "cached" as they are created, so once they are in memory(assuming enough exists), display is much faster. You can see this by paging down a few times, then paging back up. When you page up, the display should be much faster, as the previews or icons are already in memory and don't require disk access or creation.
To change the list view choose the appropriate command from the List menu.
Hint: Choose Preview Compression None to create and display previews faster.
Limitations: Currently, the number of displayed items is restricted by the QuickDraw coordinate system, which is limited to a height of roughly 32,000 pixels. If you have a large number of images in the list and a "narrow" window, certain images may not be visible. This may be corrected in a future version of ImageViewer.
You can order the file list by the following: Name, File Size, Type, Modification Date, Random, and Custom. You can also switch ordering by clicking on the textual buttons in the top portion of the window, below the controls. The current order is underlined in the window(none will be underlined if custom order) and checked in the Order sub menu.
A new random order is created each time you choose it. This allows a quick sampling of the types of images contained in the list or for random display in Auto-Browse.
Custom order occurs whenever you manually make a change to the list order, such as Dragging selected files within the list view or Dropping files from another source(e.g. another ImageViewer list view, or the Finder).
To change the list order choose the appropriate command from the List menu, or click the appropriate text button at the top of the window.
Apply Order Index
Allows you to choose a previously saved order index and apply it to the current file list. If the order index has more entries than the file list, only valid indices are used(i.e. out of range indices are ignored). If the order index has fewer entries than the file list, only entries up to the order index are affected.
To Apply Order Index choose Apply Order Index from the List menu.
Save Order Index
Saves the current order index to a file, which can be applied to any file list at a later time. Please note, this is an abstract list of indices and contains no other information. This may be confusing, if you've used programs that refer to a "catalog" type file as an "index" file. For ImageViewer purposes, a catalog file is a file containing information such as file location, info, ordering, thumbnails, comments etc. An order index file is simply, the ordering data, or a subset of what is usually considered a catalog file.
To Save Order Index choose Save Order Index from the List menu.
Build Sub List
Creates a new file list based on selection range and opens it in a new window. Same functionality can be had by double-clicking a selected file in a list view.
To Build Sub List choose Build Sub List from the List menu.
The Open dialog is presented and file or folders selected are added to the current file list. For catalogs, the files are added to the catalog file as well.
To add files to the file list choose Add from the List menu.
Currently selected files are removed from the file list. For catalogs, the files are removed from the catalog file as well.
To remove files from the file list choose Remove from the List menu.
Sync Catalog With Files
For catalogs: file info, preview and icon data is recreated for those files that have been modified after this data was created in the catalog file. Keyword and comment data is not changed.
To sync catalog data with image data choose Sync Catalog With Files from the List menu.
Info Window
Shows general information relating to the current file, such as name, type and area.
Choose this menu item to Show/Hide the window.
Comments Window
Has an edit field for entering comments for the current file.
Choose this menu item to Show/Hide the window.
Limitations: Only JPEG and GIF are currently supported.
Keywords Window
Has an edit field for entering keywords for the current file.
Choose this menu item to Show/Hide the window.
Color Table Window
Displays the color table for the current file.
Choose this menu item to Show/Hide the window.
Locations Window
The visual display for custom locations(folders or volumes) that you've added via the File menu, Add Location command. Only one location can be current at any given time, which you can set by clicking on the location icon. You can copy or move files to the current location using the File menu, Copy To Location and Move To Location commands. Also, the first 10 locations have a small number in the upper left corner, which corresponds to command-0..9, and provides a way to quickly move or copy files to locations. The last operation, move or copy, is used. If you aren't sure of the last operation, manually select the current location, and Move/Copy To Location, in order to establish the last operation.
Choose this menu item to Show/Hide the window.
Camera Window
This menu item displays the name of the current camera, which may be a single camera available, one selected from an available list(See File, Select Camera), or grayed if no camera is available.
Choose this menu item to Show/Hide the camera's main panel.
Camera Panels Window
When a camera is active(i.e its main panel is visible), this menu allows access to the various panels associated with the camera.